Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Quick(ish) sketch -Vilkas or Farkas?

It's been awhile since I've drawn anything more than a few very quick pen sketches. Tonight I broke out some colored pencils and did this to start getting the feel for shading again. I can't decide if this is Farkas or Vilkas from Skyrim (they're twins, but different enough to notice). I'm leaning toward Vilkas, but it's a bit too soft to be him, yet, while too rough to be Farkas. And anyway, this is a bad representation of it. My iPad takes horrible photos. Forgive me.

Still, it's nice to get back to drawing, even with quick, maybe-to-be-finished-maybe-not stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Screams Vilkas to me! He's all "I'm so tough but I'm totally soft on the inside."
